Make Your Best

Make Your Best: Classic Style Smoked Beer

Smoked malts can be touchy to work with. For one thing, not every batch of smoked malt is identical, even when comprised of the same grain and smoked with the same wood. Dive into this specialty grain with our homebrewing columnist to learn more.

'Alaskan Red' Red IPA Beer Recipe

This recipe will serve you well as a faithful Red IPA that avoids the pitfalls of the style while amplifying its virtues.

Make Your Best Pale Mild

Hard to find, historic origins, easy to drink, and straightforward to brew: sounds like a perfect homebrewing style.

Make Your Best German Leichtbier

Our homebrewing columnist, Josh Weikert, offers this recipe for a beer that is low-alcohol, delicate, and lightly flavored. Rather than being an American mass-produced lager it is, instead, a modern take on a traditional German style

Make Your Best Sticke Altbier

This recipe takes everything you love about the Altbier and turns up the volume, and while that's not really something you need every day it certainly makes for a great change of pace!

Make Your Best Czech Dark Lager

An interesting style that is semi-hard to find commercially… this sounds like just the kind of beer that homebrewers should be lining up to make!

Make Your Best International Amber Lager

This can be a great session lager to help you recruit your macro-drinking friends into the world of craft/homebrewed beer, and for your own purposes it's a nice tap to have on when you're looking for lighter flavors with a bit more character behind them.

Make Your Best Czech Amber Lager

Start working this one into your autumn or late-winter lineup (I like it as a “welcome to spring” beer), and I think you’ll find yourself with a new favorite sessionable lager.

Make Your Best American IPA

There are so many versions, varieties, and approaches here that it would be arrogant to claim this will be your best American IPA, but it’s at least a very, very good one that has held up well to the test of time.

Make Your Best Pre-Prohibition Porter

Pre-Prohibition Porter is described in the guidelines as being like a less-hoppy American Porter and a less-caramelly English Porter.